Oliver Hilbery

Ollie is the Director of Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) – a national coalition of Clinks, Homeless Link and Mind formed in 2009 with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Together, the three charities represent over 1300 frontline organisations and have an interest in the criminal justice, substance misuse, homelessness and mental health sectors.
Ollie oversees both policy and practice work to support people experiencing multiple needs. Using the MEAM Approach, the coalition is helping local areas across the country to design and deliver better-coordinated services for people with multiple needs. Its Voices from the Frontline programme brings the voice of people with multiple needs and those who support them to the heart of the policy debate.
Prior to MEAM, Ollie worked at Homeless Link, most recently as Head of Policy and before that on specific projects related to housing and migration. He holds an MA in Social Policy from the University of York and a BA Economics and Politics from the University of Exeter. He has a strong interest in public policy and has held positions in local government and at a policy consultancy.